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Stefan Greß, PhD, is associate professor for health services research and health economics in the department of health sciences at the University of Applied Sciences Fulda in Germany. He was formerly a researcher at the Center of Social Policy at Bremen University and assistant professor at the University of Greifswald and at the University of Duisburg-Essen. His main areas of research are health policy and health insurance. He has published articles in international peer-reviewed journals on topics such as health services research in primary care, competition and consumer mobility in social health insurance, regulation of pharmaceutical markets, the definition of benefits packages and the relationship between health insurance and professional autonomy of health care providers.
Email: sg@stefan-gress.eu
Phone: ++49 661 9640 6380
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Selected Presentations
Greß, Stefan/S. Heinemann (2014). Patients‘ choice in health care – A view from Germany. European Public Health Conference. Glasgow, 20th November 2014. Heinemann, S./Stefan Greß (2012). Managed Competition in the Netherlands. Presentation at the 48th DGSMP conference on September 12, 2012 in Essen/Germany.
Greß, Stefan (2011). Private
Health Insurance in Germany, Presentation at the World Bank Workshop
„Voluntary Health Insurance: International Experience, Evidence and
Prospects for the Russian Federation, Moscow June 28, 2011. [Russian Version]
Greß, Stefan (2010). Sustainability of health care financing – lessons learned from Germany, Panel on financing, sustainability, and governance at the 2010 CAHSPR conference. Hosted by CIHR-IHSPR. Toronto, 12 May 2010
Greß, Stefan (2010). International experiences striving for sustainability. Regulation of drug spending in Germany, Pharmaceutical Policy Research Collaboration, Toronto, 10 May 2010.
Greß, Stefan (2009). Chronic Disease Management Programmes in Germany – Achievements and Shortcomings. Presentation
at the invitational conference „European Developments in Primary Care“
on December 3, 2009 at the Belgian Institute for Health and Disability
Insurance in Brussels.
Greß, Stefan et al. (2008). Coordination and Management of Chronic Conditions in Europe – The Role of Primary Care, Conference of the European Public Health Association, Lisbon 6-8 November 2008.
Greß, Stefan (2008). Competition in Health Insurance – Reflections from Germany, International Seminar Regulation of private health insurance. 10 years of the Law 9656: impacts and perspectives. Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), June 2-4, 2008. Greß, Stefan (2007). The Impact of Political Changes on Health Insurance – The Case of Germany and The Netherlands, Presentation for the International Symposium "The 30th Anniversary of the Korean National Health Insurance" in Seoul (Nov. 14, 2007). Greß, Stefan (2007). Health System and Policy in Germany. Presentation for the International Workshop on Comparative Health System and Policy. School of Public Health, Seoul National University (Nov. 15, 2007).
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Selected PublicationsSchäfer W, Boerma W, van den
Berg M, de Rosis S, Detollenaere J, Greß
Stefan, Heinemann S, von Loenen T, Murante A, Pavlic D, Seghieri M, Willems S,
Groenewegen P (2019). Are people’s health
care needs better met when primary care is strong? A synthesis of the results
of the QUALICOPC study in 34 countries. Primary Health Care
Research & Development, doi 10.1017/S1463423619000434. Greß, Stefan (2016). Germany. Voluntary health insurance in Europe - country experience. A. Sagan and S. Thomson. Copenhagen, World Health Organization: 61-66. Groenewegen, P. P./Stefan Greß/W. Schäfer (2016). General
Practitioners’ Participation in a Large, Multicountry Combined General
Practitioner-Patient Survey: Recruitment Procedures and Participation
Rate. International Journal of Family Medicine 2016 (doi 10.1155/2016/4929432). Groenewegen, P./S. Heinemann/S. Greß/W. Schäfer (2015). “Primary care practice composition in 34 countries.” Health Policy 119(12): 1576-83.
Leiber, S./Stefan Greß/S. Heinemann (2015). “Explaining
Different Paths in Social Health Insurance Countries – Health System
Change and Cross-border Lesson-drawing between Germany, Austria and the
Netherlands.” Social Policy and Administration 49(1): 48-108.
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Selected Publications (2010 and before) Leiber, S./Stefan Greß/M. Manouguian (2010). Health Care System Change and the Cross-Border Transfer of Ideas: Influence of the Dutch Model on the 2007 German Health Reform. Journal of Health Policy, Politics and Law 35(4): 539-68. Wasem, J./Stefan Greß (2009). Regulation of private health insurance markets. Comparative Studies and the Politics of Modern Medical Care. T. Marmor, R. Freeman, K. Okma. New Haven, Yale University Press: 288-304.
Greß, Stefan/S. Maas/J. Wasem (2008). Social Insurance versus Tax Financing in Health Care: Reflections from Germany. Exploring Social Insurance: Can A Dose of Europe Cure Canadian Health Care Finance? C. Flood, M. Stabile, C. Tuohy. Kingston, Queens University Press: 115-38. Greß, Stefan/F. Hessel (2008). Health Economics (Burden of Disease). Encyclopedia of Public Health. W. Kirch. Heidelberg, Springer: 564-75.Greß, Stefan (2007). “Private Health Insurance in Germany: Consequences of a Dual System.” Healthcare Policy 3(2): 29-37. Paolucci, F./E. Schut/K. Beck/C. Van de Voorde/Stefan Greß/I. Zmora (2007). “Supplementary health insurance as a tool for risk-selection in mandatory basic health insurance markets.” Health Economics, Policy and Law 2: 173-92. Greß, Stefan /Gildemeister, Stefan / Wasem, Jürgen (2004): "The Social Transformation of American Medicine - A Comparative View From Germany." Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 29(4-5), S. 679-699.
Laske-Aldershof, Trea /Schut, F.T. /Beck, Konstantin /Greß, Stefan /Shmueli, Amir / Van de Voorde, Carine (2004): "Consumer Mobility in Social Health Insurance Markets: A Five-Country Comparison." Applied Health Economics and Health Policy 3(4), S. 229-241.
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